St. Francis Parish Veghel

St Francis Parish Veghel is an international Roman Catholic Community under the pastoral care of Pastoor Ard Smulders and his team.

The Parish has 7 locations (Erp, H.Hart in Veghel, Zijtaart, Boerdonk, Eerde, Keldonk and Lambertus in Veghel).

The church members consist of about 7 or more nationalities. Masses and other liturgical celebrations without priest are held in all these locations almost every weekend.

Our Parish offers many ways for parishioners or visitors to become involved and active both by furthering their understanding of the faith through continued education programs including a special program called ‘Family pastoral’ for families, children and teenagers.

Though this family pastoral program is for the whole parish it is mostly active in Erp and Veghel.

By the way, the Parish Youth group M25 is for our young parishioners. Social, religious, educational, and sporting activities are organized by youths, for youths. The group also offers a great chance to make new friends and develop a better appreciation of all the diverse cultures that make up our wonderful parish.

There is in our parish also the possibility to attend an English Mass every 4th Sunday of the month at 14 p.m. The Mass takes place at the Heilig Hart Church, Vondelstraat 9 in Veghel.

For more information you can call the following numbers:

For baptism (children) and for adult catechesis (special program for adults who want to be baptised or confirmed): Monique Kuijper (parish coordinator)

For Family pastoral, the preparation for the First Holy Communion and Confirmation:  Viona Boerefijn

For the English mass:  Fr Charles

For any other questions concerning masses or any other pastoral issues please call or send a mail to: Monique  Kuijper

Our secretariat is located in Veghel at the Burg. De Kuyperlaan 1